Wyoming Legislative Interim Judicial Committee Meetings

June 3, 2019 @ 8:00 am – June 4, 2019 @ 4:45 pm
Gillette College TEC/FLEX
or live stream at www.wyoleg.gov
WY Interim Judicial Committee Meetings

HR Dist. 34 Rep. Tim Salazar will be bringing up 2 bills that will continue on to the 2020 session.  One on Human Trafficking, one dealing with child abuse.  The Judicial Committee is a major player in the direction of our State and it will be good to watch as the House and Senate members discuss the different issues.  Reading the names of committee members is quite interesting and to see what issues are given to the Judicial Committee will also be a point of interest.

www.wyoleg.gov  is a great source of information!  You can find the Legislative calendar, bills, committees etc.  Get familiar with it and find the items that are your passion.  Then you can follow those and report to others that follow other issues.

Please attend in person if you can and give us some details about the things our legislators deal with.  I know I’d love to hear.  peppero@wyoming.com  or 2019FremontCountyWyomingRepublicanParty

What a great opportunity to live stream!

Working together we can help make Wyoming an Independent and Prosperous home for ourselves and those that like our way of life!

Pepper Ottman – FCGOP Chairman