Republican Men’s Breakfast Club / Wyoming Conservative PAC

September 6, 2014 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am
Reach Foundation
622 N 8th Street West
Riverton, WY 82501
John Boesch

Our next chance to express our opinion is November 4th.  The following are suggestions for discussion and action for our Breakfast Club.  Please review them and send to me or bring your comments to our next meeting, September 6th.  Our time for action is short.


Medicad:  Speakers pro & con???  It has been announced that Governor Mead is ready to propose to the legislature to accept the expansion of this government charity.


Term Limits – Pro & Con.  The founders of our Constitution did not envision the Congress being in the hands of professional politicians.  They did predict what would happen if our politicians were picked by political parties.  I think it is time to restore their vision.

The Environmental Protection Agency has been before the Supreme Court claiming they have unlimited authority to regulate.  Who created the EPA?  Under whose authority do they operate?  How many other agencies have assumed dictatorial powers.

Tort Reform – We are one of the few countries in the world that doesn’t have the loser pay all court costs.  Cancel the Equal Access law that is being grossly abused.

Lands Resolution update.  How strong are we on this program?