
Fremont County Central Committee Special Meeting

Thursday, October 5th, 2023 6:00 PM Riverton City Hall

The purpose of this meeting will be for the FCCC to nominate three candidates to replace outgoing Clerk of District Court Kristi Green. The Fremont County Commissioners will choose Kristi’s replacement from the three candidates.

Proposed Rules for the Nomination Process

Press Release

Bag Stuffing – Lander! @ Triple L, Inc. Building
Oct 14 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

All precinct people, candidates and families! We’ll be stuffing bags with candidate literature for our precinct walk on Oct 25. Those of you in specific districts…we will let you know number of pieces next week. Many hands make this light work . Precinct folks, please bring a box to hold your bags.

Bag Stuffing – Riverton! @ Riverton Library
Oct 14 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

All precinct people, candidates and families! We’ll be stuffing bags with candidate literature for our precinct walk on Oct 25. Those of you in specific districts…we will let you know number of pieces next week. Many hands make this light work . Precinct folks, please bring a box to hold your bags.

Precinct Walk
Oct 25 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Meet in Lander, Riverton, Dubois and other various locations to walk your precinct, district, county. If you can wear something red, that’s a plus. We will deliver our bags of Republican Information. Meeting places to be announced.

Republican Men’s Breakfast Club, Wyoming Conservative PAC @ Reach Foundation
Nov 1 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am
Fremont County Republican Women Luncheon @ The Bull & Bistro
Nov 3 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

The Fremont County Republican Women will hold their regular monthly meeting at the Bull & Bistro in Riverton on Monday November 3rd at Noon.

Arrive a little early to order lunch.

The agenda this month includes:

— discussions & assignments for our ‘Republican FUNdraiser’–(We have already acquired a speaker for that event)

— review of the September Secretary’s/Treasurer’s reports

— Any candidate/campaign updates from attending members

Bring a friend (or 10)!

Remember—Dues are DUE!

Sarah Kalbach
Fremont County Republican Women

Please RSVP if possible to my email address so I can warn the Bull in advance if our numbers exceed room capacity.


Election Day! @ Various Polling Places
Nov 4 @ 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Be sure to vote Republican!

We have a LOT of great republicans running this year!

Republican Breakfast Club, Wyoming Conservative PAC @ Wildflour Restaurant@The Inn at Lander
Dec 6 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am
Republican Men’s Breakfast Club, Wyoming Conservative PAC @ The Reach Foundation
Jan 10 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am

Moderator: Gerry Yennie. We will have a guest moderator at each meeting, and Robert’s Rules of Order will prevail.


2016 Presidential Candidates:
So far the 2016 leading candidates for President in my opinion are Governor Scott Walker, Dr. Ben Carson, or Mitt Romney. Others nominated are Rand Paul and Thomas Sowell. Who is your choice?

Article V: Convention of States as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Discussion of this was combined with the Lands Resolution discussion and no action was decided upon. Lands Resolution update. How strong are we on this program to acquire lands promised us? Lands Resolution update: Legal standing for Wyoming to receive land back from the federal government was uncertain. John Brown will bring documents to the next meeting to help us decide on a course of action.

The Environmental Protection Agency has been before the Supreme Court claiming they have unlimited authority to regulate. Who created the EPA? Under whose authority do they operate? How many other agencies have assumed dictatorial powers. This was also blended with the above discussions.

Tort Reform – We are one of the few countries in the world that doesn’t have the loser pay all court costs. Cancel the Equal Access law that is being grossly abused.

Term Limits – Pro & Con. The founders of our Constitution did not envision the Congress being in the hands of professional politicians. They did predict what would happen if our politicians were picked by political parties. I think it is time to restore their vision.

Are Education and Social Values important? Are Executive Orders that usurp the Constitution acceptable?

Conservative Breakfast Club, Wyoming Conservative PAC @ The Inn at Lander Restaurant
Feb 7 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am
Conservative Breakfast Club, Wyoming Conservative PAC @ The Reach Foundation
Mar 14 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am