
Fremont County Central Committee Special Meeting

Thursday, October 5th, 2023 6:00 PM Riverton City Hall

The purpose of this meeting will be for the FCCC to nominate three candidates to replace outgoing Clerk of District Court Kristi Green. The Fremont County Commissioners will choose Kristi’s replacement from the three candidates.

Proposed Rules for the Nomination Process

Press Release

Fremont County Republican Party Planning Meeting @ Riverton Library
Dec 19 @ 1:30 am – 3:00 am

Fremont County Republicans:

An e-mail went out to all precinct committee persons, FC Executive
Committee, FC elected republican officials and a few other republicans
interested in the planning process for our upcoming election season.  If
you know other republicans that might fit in this group, feel free to bring
them along.

First of all…thanks for the response to our last e-mail!  The planning
meeting will be held on Wednesday December 18 at the Riverton Library community
room.  Your chairman will be there at 6PM to prepare and begin meeting at
6:30.  Please come whenever you can, we know some don’t get off work until

There is a bit of homework attached (see the email you received) if you have time to read through the convention sections of the bylaws for both the county party and the state party. Also attached are the platforms and resolutions from 2012 County
Convention.  If you feel so inclined you can also reference the Wyoming State statutes under major political parties.

We will have the county list of registered republicans available that evening.

Looking forward to seeing all of you!  If you have any questions, please give your chairman a call or send an e-mail.

If you can’t attend this meeting and you would like the information, please let us know.

Darlene Vaughan  Chair FCGOP
2752 Sinks Canyon Rd
Lander WY 82520

Wyoming Conservative PAC Breakfast Club Meeting @ Riverton Sundowner Restaurant
Jan 4 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Fremont County Republican Women Luncheon @ The Bull & Bistro
Jan 6 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Please join us for the first meeting

of the

Fremont County Republican Women

in 2014

We’ll be meeting at the Bull & Bistro on West Main Street at Noon.

Monday January 6th

Our speaker will be Representative David Miller speaking about Wyoming’s Federal Land Issues 

Bring a friend, Tell a friend.

Arrive a little early to order lunch

Sarah Kalbach


Fremont County Republican Women

Wyoming Conservative PAC Meeting @ Wildflour Restaurant@Lander Best Western
Feb 1 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Do we still have divided powers of government?

We are supposed to have the power to make laws vested in the Congress, the management of the country vested in the Executive branch, and the mediator of conflicts vested in the Supreme Court.  But the Congress has become an executive power by creating agencies with rule making powers that have the effect of law, and the Executive branch has been issuing Executive Orders with the same effect as law, and the Judicial has stretched the meaning of the Constitution into areas never intended by the Founders.

The President has continuously lied to us according to what he thinks would be most politically beneficial to him; the Congress has acted to perpetuate itself as a profession instead of a citizen legislature as originally envisioned; and I am at a loss to understand why the judicial doesn’t seem to think it should interpret the law as written instead of as they think it should be.

The Founders wrote the Constitution with the frailties of man in mind, and then charged the future generations to educate themselves and vote for freedom.  They were well aware that human nature was such that if men of less than moral, religious, and good character became “We, the people” the Republic would fail.  We are teetering on the edge of collapse as entitlements are becoming the norm.  What has happened to hard work and self reliance?  What has happened to religion?  What has happened to personal integrity?

The agenda for discussion at the next meeting will be as follows.  If we run out of time we will continue the following month.

A) Legislative Session – Discussion of upcoming items.

B) Term Limits – Pro & Con.  The founders of our Constitution did not envision it being in the hands of professional politicians.

C) Petition to have Michael Bennett removed as County Attorney?  Pro & Con.  Express your opinion.