
Fremont County Central Committee Special Meeting

Thursday, October 5th, 2023 6:00 PM Riverton City Hall

The purpose of this meeting will be for the FCCC to nominate three candidates to replace outgoing Clerk of District Court Kristi Green. The Fremont County Commissioners will choose Kristi’s replacement from the three candidates.

Proposed Rules for the Nomination Process

Press Release

Fremont County Republicans & Exec. Comm. Mtg @ Riverton Public Library
Apr 15 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Wyoming Legislature Interim Revenue Committee Mtg. @ The Inn at Lander
May 2 – May 3 all-day

WY Legislative Revenue Committee Meetings

Thursday May 2, and Friday May 3rd, 2019

Please go to:   for detailed information.

Tobacco tax, Vaping and more on agenda.  Tax bills will be revisited.  None passed in the Legislative Session.  They heard our voices.  Let’s continue to be heard.

Labor Committee meetings will be held in Riverton June 13 & 14, 2019

Travel, Recreation, Wildlife  will be held in Dubois Aug 1 & 2, 2019

Let’s be informed and help our Legislators in the fight to keep our Liberty.


WY Legislative Interim Revenue Committee Meeting @ Inn at Lander
May 3 @ 8:30 am

Please go to : for more information.

Our Legislator’s want to hear our voices and get our support.
If possible, please attend, if only for part of the time.
Working to be informed…
Thank you!

Pepper Ottman – Chairman FCGOP

Republican “Meet & Greet”!!! @ Riverton Holiday Inn
May 3 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The Fremont County Republican Party is happy to host the Wyoming Republican Party Executive and Central Committee’s for a Meet and Greet.  What an opportunity for our County Republicans to meet others from around the state at this special event.  We hope you’ll join us for a relaxing evening with cash bar, Hors D’ oeuvres, and a wonderful setting.

Let’s give them a warm Fremont County Welcome!

Fri. evening 6pm – 9pm Holiday Inn  $25 p.p.  by cash or check only

Rooms available at a discount price of $99 plus tax till block is filled.

Call the Holiday Inn at 307 856-8100 with “FCR” code




FCGOP Exec./Central/Precinct Committee’s Training @ Lander Public Library
May 13 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

We will have a brief Exec. mtg. to vote in our new Precinct Members!  Then, our Fremont County Clerk, Julie Freese, will train us on the tools available for utilization as Precinct Committeemen/Women.  Please bring your laptop, phone or mechanism if you’d like to work along as we go.

Wyoming Legislative Interim Judicial Committee Meetings @ Gillette College TEC/FLEX
Jun 3 @ 8:00 am – Jun 4 @ 4:45 pm

HR Dist. 34 Rep. Tim Salazar will be bringing up 2 bills that will continue on to the 2020 session.  One on Human Trafficking, one dealing with child abuse.  The Judicial Committee is a major player in the direction of our State and it will be good to watch as the House and Senate members discuss the different issues.  Reading the names of committee members is quite interesting and to see what issues are given to the Judicial Committee will also be a point of interest.  is a great source of information!  You can find the Legislative calendar, bills, committees etc.  Get familiar with it and find the items that are your passion.  Then you can follow those and report to others that follow other issues.

Please attend in person if you can and give us some details about the things our legislators deal with.  I know I’d love to hear.  or 2019FremontCountyWyomingRepublicanParty

What a great opportunity to live stream!

Working together we can help make Wyoming an Independent and Prosperous home for ourselves and those that like our way of life!

Pepper Ottman – FCGOP Chairman


Town Hall @ Riverton Public Library Community Room
Jun 8 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

House District #34 Representative Tim Salazar is hosting a Town Hall meeting for Fremont County on Saturday, June 8, 2019 from 10am til noon.  He has invited a group of other legislators also so, it will be informative and a great place to hear what’s happening in the Wyoming Legislature and in our beloved Fremont County!  Bring your questions and let’s support our elected representatives that serve us well and want to hear what our concerns are.

See you there!


FCGOP (Fremont County Republican Party) @ Riverton Public Library - Community Room
Jun 10 @ 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

Monthly gathering for ALL Republicans and friends.  Discussion/planning of 4th of July float in Lander Parade, upcoming Campaign Management School being held at CWC Friday June 28, 2019, Main St. flags on Memorial Day, Day in the Park info., and possibly Agenda 21 information.

It’s great to see you and know we are growing as a group with Freedom as our guide!

Legislative Interim Labor Committee Meeting
Jun 13 – Jun 14 all-day

Please go to:   for more information.

June 13 & 14, 2019   Labor Committee Meetings   Riverton, WY

Aug 1 & 2, 2019  Travel, Recreation, Wildlife     Dubois, WY


Flag Day posting of American Flags on Main St. @ tba
Jun 14 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am

On Friday, June 14th, 2019 we have the wonderful opportunity to work with the American Legion to put American Flags on Main St..  The group will meet at 7am at which time 3 trucks will be filled and volunteers head out to place the flags at designated posts on Main Street.  At approximately 4pm the Flags will be removed and taken back to the storage place.

Unless otherwise noted:  Meeting place will be Reach Foundation 822 N. 8th St.